Saturday, September 8, 2007



整班都是十一年級的小女生,聊天的聊天,完全無視於我的存在。打開課本上了一陣子,開始有人竊竊私語,問她們有什麼事嗎,又都不講。有個畫著深深眼影的女孩側著身玩著頭髮分叉,問她為何不打開書,她說,「我的書訂了,可是還沒來呀。我沒有書。」我上了十分鐘, 長捲髮的莉娜舉手問我:「妳以後都會用中文上課嗎?」我心中想,口裡也說了出來:「當然啊,這已經是中文三了耶。」她有點不滿意的「噢」了一聲。過了一會兒,我講到洛杉磯這個詞,底下馬上起來騷動,「喔,洛杉磯。王老師教過我們。你拍一我拍一,歡迎來到洛杉磯。」接下來全班呈失控狀態,開始異口同聲唱起中文一老師教他們的數來寶,還配上動作哩。「我們以前還得背起來考試呢。」「以前的課好好玩…」全班陷入回憶中,讓我這新老師不知所措。只好很尷尬的說,「那下次請你們教我這首數來寶好了。」


星期五,第四堂課,教完了全部的生字,進入到課文。我叫她們念,順便問她們意思。每個人都懶洋洋的手支著頭在桌上。奧利薇很大聲的插斷我的話:「我們以後都要這樣上課嗎?」她的口氣很衝,我有點驚訝,全班也等著看好戲,全部抬起頭來看我們兩個。我說,「妳的意思我不太懂。」她說,就是念課文,翻譯,然後小考啊(她手指著白板上我寫下的告示…下週四小考)。「那些好玩的遊戲在哪裡,那些projects啊,presentation啊都跑到哪去了?」她很明顯的覺 得我這中文課教得真無聊。這話一出,在教室裡像病毒一樣傳開,全部的人開始互使眼色,或同意,或等著看我的反應 。

她這一說正中我的要害。我教大學生與成人久了,第一個星期的確發現教高中生的策略真的很不同。每一堂課頂多五十分,在這五十分內,大學生可以乖乖坐著聽,但是高中生就坐不住,似乎需要一直變換主題。這是一個很大的挑戰,尤其中文課本很多讀寫的部分,說和聽真的需要老師的智慧和經驗。我第一個星期常覺得自己被那任性的時間表(註一)搞到都糊塗了,每次上課排出來的東西就是教不完,教程改改改還在改。一方面是發現年紀小的學生理解力不夠快,我還 找不到適當的速度,一方面是美國高中生學習的方式還是跟大學生學習方式差很多。我有時候覺得自己以前高中時怎麼 那麼厲害,一天坐八個小時不動一直聽課。並不是說台灣明星高中的老師都很容易當,但是真的比很多地方的老師容易 多了。那種非升學性的高職後段班,搞不好才是好老師的試金石。因為那樣的學生能乖乖上課表示老師教的東西的確吸引他們的注意力。

我馬上變得不知所措,只有含糊的說我準備了別的東西,可是眼下我們就是得上完這些。學生一聽馬上失去控制,在一旁私語,互使眼色而我又忘了下課時間(有時三十五分,有時五十五分,有時三十分下課,叫我是怎麼記得住?),學生很現實的書都收好了,然後長相甜美的妮妮大喊, 「來不及了!」其他女生也跟著說「來不及了!」(註二)就等著要衝 出門去。愛瑪和凱樂是班上我感覺比較成熟乖巧的女孩,她們給了我一個,「對不起,妳失敗了」的眼色。我喪氣地揮了揮手,「下課!」就讓她們做鳥獸散去。




Anonymous said...

2 suggetions for the "time" issue:

1. Assign one "nice" student to remind you the time. For example, 5 mins before the class should be dismissed, she gave you a look, a secret hand gesture (point to her watch?), so you'll know time is almost up.

2. Set up the alarm on your cell phone, electornic dictionary, i-pod... whatever device that reminds yourself to wrap up the class. And the student can also be aware of that. And maybe try to use the last 5 mins to review what you've learned today, or announce some important things for tomorrow. And train them NOT to move, or start to put things away once they heard the beeping alarm sound.

So... maybe first suggestion will work better for you? In addition, the student you chose might appreicate you value her as an teacher's great assistant.

Just my personal experiences to share with you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Minday:

The same thing happened to me each time I stepoed into a new class that the former teacher had done a great deal to the students.

Some advice for you:
1. BE FIRM: Like what one student told you, you're not 王老师。What Miss Wang used to do was great, and you're happy to know that Miss Wang has laid a solid fundation for their Chinese learning. BUT, you're also a good teacher, inexperienced, yet,GOOD. All you need is a little support and time to prove yourself to them that they can definitely learn something profound from you. In different ways, of course. (even though it might take up to 2-3 months (my average time to “收服每隻小猴子”)to let "everyone' agree with and respect you in class, it'll be worth it.)

2. Be TOUGH. You can use voting system as much as you want. But, limit it to 2 or 3 choices. You guys want the teacher to post the new vocabulary everywhere around the classroom? No problem. You guys can do it. That's one of your projects now. You want project, don't you? Assign study groups or divide the class into 8-10 teams, each group/team take care each lesson for 2 weeks to produce and create whatever deco you want for the classroom. Make it a competition if they want. Encourage them to use their creativity. And tell them that's what high school students would do in China, Hong Kong or Twaiwan.

--Don't ask what your teacher can do for you, ask what you can do for the whole class-- Haha. Does this sound fimliar to them?

3. BE PROUD-- Admit you're not very experienced in bringing in more fun activities or "chant"s into the class yet. But, hey, you're in 1st year of Chiense anymore. Grow up, and learn some more serious stuff now. And try to bring in some NEW stuff that Miss Wang had never done before. How about listen to Chiense CDs for catching up some new phrases or pronuncation? Learn a new Chinese song from the top 10 list in Taiwan or China in early 2007? Tell them with your acdemic background, they can learn something that can guide them into the next level of Chinese proficiency. IF, they will let down their guards and be open to you--a good new teacher.

Anyway, I'm not in your position now. I can only speak from my previous experiences. I still remember I totally dropped my fist 2 year high school English classes b/c my "anal" English teacher (兼导师). I hated her funny accent; I hated her outdated outfits,hair and make-up; and I hated her humiliating me in front of the whole class if I were late. She never approved me even if I got really great grades in her class. I was lucky that I met my another amazing English Conversation teacher --Miss Chen on 3rd grade, or I would have dropped English for life!

So...Do you agree that--擒贼必先擒王? How about try to "befriend" with those who constantly doubt and chanllenge you. Tyr to reason with them. Treat them like they "were" in college now, and tell them they can act like college studnets if they want to. In general, "kids" like to be treated like "adults". So, give them some pressure on being treated as young adults by fulfilling their obligations.

Hope these will be helpful. I seem to vent a lot here... Sorry...

Anonymous said...


妳們學校沒有 daily announcement 嗎?我們學校也是上課時間短不太固定,平常是 46 分鐘,但遇到特定的日子,會是 40 分鐘或是 30 分鐘,學校都會在前一天的 daily announcement 中通知。